European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

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European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) är en uppsättning kriterier och riktlinjer för hur kvalitetsarbete ska bedrivas inom ramen för Bolognaprocessen. ESG är ett av de mest centrala dokumenten inom den pan-europeiska högskolepolitiken.



ESG utvecklades 2003-2005 av E4-gruppen, bestående av de fyra europeiska intresseorganisationerna för utvärderingsorganisationer (ENQA), studenter (ESU), universitet (EUA) och andra enheter för högre utbildning (EURASHE). I utbildningsministrarnas kommuniké from Berlin 2003 uppdrogs åt dessa organisationer att arbeta fram det som skulle bli ESG:

In the Berlin communiqueŽ of 19 September 2003 the Ministers of the Bologna Process signatory states invited the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) "through its members, in cooperation with the EUA, EURASHE, and ESIB", to develop "an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance" and to "explore ways of ensuring an adequate peer review system for quality assurance and/or accreditation agencies or bodies, and to report back through the Bologna Follow-Up Group to Ministers in 2005".
ur ESG

Två år senare, i Bergen 2005, beslutades att ESG skulle gälla för hela Bolognaprocessen. De länder som har undertecknat Bolognadeklarationen har alla i mer eller mindre grad implementerat ESG i sina nationella kvalitetsutvärderingssystem.


Huvudinnehållet i ESG är kriterier för hur kvalitetsarbete ska bedrivas och hur kvalitet och kvalitetsarbete ska utvärderas. Det system för kvalitetsarbete (quality assurance) som föreslås i dokumentet bygger på att varje lärosäte har ett eget internt kvalitetsarbete. Lärosätet, eller dess utbildningar, utvärderas regelbundet av externa bedömare. Ansvarig för genomförandet av extern kvalitetsgranskning är en utvärderingsorganisation (quality assurance agency). För var och en av dessa steg finns det kriterier. Varje kriterium följs av riktlinjer.

ESG konstitutionerar ett system där kvaliteten i all utbildning säkras genom stegvis utvärdering, både av utbildningen som sådan, men också av utbildningens utvärderare. Systemet säkras genom att utvärderingsorganisationer ackerditeras genom oberoende, periodisk utvärdering. En godkänd ackreditering enligt del 3 av ESG krävs för att en utvärderingsorganisation ska kunna bli medlem i ENQA. Likaledes krävs en godkänd ackreditering för att en utvärderingsorganisation ska kunna listas i European Quality Assurance Register. Genom att säkra kvaliteten på utvärderingsorganisationerna säkrar man kvaliteten på utvärderingen av utbildningen (del 2). Genom att sådan utvärdering måste ta hänsyn till det interna kvalitetsarbetet (del 1) säkrar man att lärosätena bedriver eget kvalitetsarbete.

Kriterier för internt kvalitetsarbete

Med internt kvalitetsarbete menas det arbete som lärosätena själva genomför för att säkra att deras utbildningar håller god kvalitet. Kriterierna är som följer:

European standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance within higher education institutions

  • Policy and procedures for quality assurance: Institutions should have a policy and associated procedures for the assurance of the quality and standards of their programmes and awards. They should also commit themselves explicitly to the development of a culture which recognises the importance of quality, and quality assurance, in their work. To achieve this, institutions should develop and implement a strategy for the continuous enhancement of quality. The strategy, policy and procedures should have a formal status and be publicly available. They should also include a role for students and other stakeholders.
  • Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programmes and awards: Institutions should have formal mechanisms for the approval, periodic review and monitoring of their programmes and awards.
  • Assessment of students: Students should be assessed using published criteria, regulations and procedures which are applied consistently.
  • Quality assurance of teaching staff: Institutions should have ways of satisfying themselves that staff involved with the teaching of students are qualified and competent to do so. They should be available to those undertaking external reviews, and commented upon in reports.
  • Learning resources and student support: Institutions should ensure that the resources available for the support of student learning are adequate and appropriate for each programme offered.
  • Information systems: Institutions should ensure that they collect, analyse and use relevant information for the effective management of their programmes of study and other activities.
  • Public information: Institutions should regularly publish up to date, impartial and objective information, both quantitative and qualitative, about the programmes and awards they are offering.

Kriterier för extern kvalitetssäkring

Med extern kvalitetssäkring menas de utvärderingar som högre utbildning ska genomgå av externa bedömare. Kriterierna är som följer:

European standards for the external quality assurance of higher education

  • Use of internal quality assurance procedures: External quality assurance procedures should take into account the effectiveness of the internal quality assurance processes described in Part 1 of the European Standards and Guidelines.
  • Development of external quality assurance processes: The aims and objectives of quality assurance processes should be determined before the processes themselves are developed, by all those responsible (including higher education institutions) and should be published with a description of the procedures to be used.
  • Criteria for decisions: Any formal decisions made as a result of an external quality assurance activity should be based on explicit published criteria that are applied consistently.
  • Processes fit for purpose: All external quality assurance processes should be designed specifically to ensure their fitness to achieve the aims and objectives set for them.
  • Reporting: Reports should be published and should be written in a style, which is clear and readily accessible to its intended readership. Any decisions, commendations or recommendations contained in reports should be easy for a reader to find.
  • Follow-up procedures: Quality assurance processes which contain recommendations for action or which require a subsequent action plan, should have a predetermined follow-up procedure which is implemented consistently.
  • Periodic reviews: External quality assurance of institutions and/or programmes should be undertaken on a cyclical basis. The length of the cycle and the review procedures to be used should be clearly defined and published in advance.
  • System-wide analyses: Quality assurance agencies should produce from time to time summary reports describing and analysing the general findings of their reviews, evaluations, assessments etc.

Kriterier för utvärdering av utvärderingsorganisationer

Denna sektion listar de kriterier som ska användas för att bedöma om utvärderingsorganisationer bedriver sitt arbete med hög kvalitet och i enlighet med Europeiska överenskommelser. Kriterierna är som följer:

European standards for external quality assurance agencies

  • Use of external quality assurance procedures for higher education: The external quality assurance of agencies should take into account the presence and effectiveness of the external quality assurance processes described in Part 2 of the European Standards and Guidelines.
  • Official status: Agencies should be formally recognised by competent public authorities in the European Higher Education Area as agencies with responsibilities for external quality assurance and should have an established legal basis. They should comply with any requirements of the legislative jurisdictions within which they operate.
  • Activities: Agencies should undertake external quality assurance activities (at institutional or programme level) on a regular basis.
  • Resources: Agencies should have adequate and proportional resources, both human and financial, to enable them to organise and run their external quality assurance process(es) in an effective and efficient manner, with appropriate provision for the development of their processes and procedures.
  • Mission statement: Agencies should have clear and explicit goals and objectives for their work, contained in a publicly available statement.
  • Independence: Agencies should be independent to the extent both that they have autonomous responsibility for their operations and that the conclusions and recommendations made in their reports cannot be influenced by third parties such as higher education institutions, ministries or other stakeholders.
  • External quality assurance criteria and processes used by the agencies: The processes, criteria and procedures used by agencies should be pre-defined and publicly available. These processes will normally be expected to include:
    • a self-assessment or equivalent procedure by the subject of the quality assurance process;
    • an external assessment by a group of experts, including, as appropriate, (a) student member(s), and site visits as decided by the agency;
    • publication of a report, including any decisions, recommendations or other formal outcomes;
    • a follow-up procedure to review actions taken by the subject of the quality assurance process in the light of any recommendations contained in the report.
  • Accountability procedures: Agencies should have in place procedures for their own accountability.

ESG i Europa

Sedan beslutet 2005 har ESG implementerats mer eller mindre i de ingående länderna. I flera länder har implementeringen varit mycket handfast. Det förekommer att ESG har gjorts till nationell lag. Användningen av ESG styrs i mycket hög grad av hur den nationella utvärderingsorganisationen väljer att implementera kriterierna och riktlinjerna.

ESG i Sverige

Användningen av ESG har genomgått flera faser i Sverige. Mycket beror detta på hur Högskoleverket (numera Universitetskanslersämbetet, UKÄ) och regeringen har valt att utarbeta kvalitetsutvärderingssystemet. UKÄ är Sveriges nationella utvärderingsorganisation. 2007 implementerade Högskoleverket ett system för granskning av lärosätenas kvalitetsarbete. Dessa utvärderingar hade exakt karaktären av externa utvärderingar enligt ESG del 2 punkt 1. Man vinnlade sig i det systemet att ha en mycket nära koppling till ESG. I 2010 års kvalitetsutvärderingssystem finns dock endast en mycket liten koppling till ESG.

Universitetskanslersämbetet är inte medlem i ENQA,

Lärosäten har möjligheten att organisera sitt kvalitetsarbete enligt ESG. Det finns lärosäten, t.ex. Lunds universitet, som har valt att göra så.

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